Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you from?

This question has always been tricky for me to answer. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, But my parents moved to Las Vegas when I was a month old. So growing up, I moved around a lot. I’ve lived in Miami and San Francisco, but for the most part, I moved back and forth between Las Vegas and Los Angeles every few years.

Sometimes when people ask me this question they mean to ask about my heritage and thats much easier for me to explain. I am Black and Armenian.

What did you study at Nevada? Why are you pursing your MBA?

Well, I studied a lot of things. I switched my major a few times. I spent 4.5 years at Nevada, and I left with a Bachelors of Science in International Business with a specialization in Marketing and a minor in Arabic.

I could talk about my college experience forever. I truly enjoyed the entire experience, and I am so blessed to have my education.

Where have you traveled to?

Well, that’s a loaded question.

Stateside, I’ve been to many places; NYC, Seattle, Miami, Houston, Dallas, Austin, Denver, Napa, LA, San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, Vegas, etc. 

I’ve studied abroad in Armenia and London and during that time I visited Paris and Amsterdam.

Then after graduation I moved to Armenia and visited Tbilisi, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, and throughout Italy.


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